Author Archives: Jeff Jorgensen

Serial number activation and deactivation

SoftRAID uses activation to manage software licenses. No matter if you have a valid SoftRAID license or not – you can ALWAYS access your data by having SoftRAID installed. If you have questions about activation, deactivation or anything else regarding your software license, please visit the License Management FAQ on the OWC Software Store.

My disks are ejected while in use. What can I do?

Occasionally, a disk may become unavailable or unresponsive to the point where it apparently ‘ejects’ while in use. In the majority of recent cases, this has been due to an ongoing Mac OS hardware bug. SoftRAID is designed to detect and inform you when any of your disks become unavailable. So, whenever SoftRAID registers that […]

How do I create a SoftRAID tech support file?

How do I generate a Tech Support Report for Mac 1. Startup the most recent version of the SoftRAID application. Make sure all your disks are attached. 2. Select Generate Report for Tech Support… from the Utilities menu. 3. Enter your name and email address in the first window. This information allows us to easily […]

How do I change my RAID volume to a different RAID level?

To adjust the RAID level on your volume, you need to delete the existing volume, then create the RAID type you need. To do this, start by running SoftRAID. Select your volume tile, then choose “Disable Safeguard” from the volumes menu. Delete the volume from the volumes menu. Use “New…” from the volumes menu and […]

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