Author Archives: Jeff Jorgensen

How can I make a SoftRAID volume read-only?

You can make any SoftRAID volume read-only as long as it does not contain files which another application is using. You can do this by selecting “Make Read-Only” under the Volume menu in the SoftRAID application. Once a volume has been made read-only, the SoftRAID driver will prevent any application from from writing to the […]

When should I use a RAID 4 or RAID 5 volume?

Both RAID 4 and RAID 5 volumes give you very high performance while still protecting your volume from disk failure. They are a great choice if you need high performance for writing large files or for reading files of any size, ie for video editing, animation studios, digital photography, prepress and graphic arts. With RAID […]

Can I add a disk to my RAID 4/5 SoftRAID array?

In short, the answer is ‘no’. While you can add a disk to a RAID 5 array to replace a missing, failed, or otherwise removed member disk – you cannot add to the total number of disks included in your SoftRAID array. This is a feature under investigation for a future release. Increasing the number […]

Why should I label my SoftRAID disks?

If you have many identical external disks, it is often easy to confuse one with another unless you add some sort of label to the outside of the disk. SoftRAID allows you to add the a label to each SoftRAID disk, a label which will appear in the SoftRAID user interface, log entries and email […]

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