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Licensing/Serial Numbers

How to Disable Auto-Renewal or Cancel Your Subscription

If you wish to discontinue your premium subscription benefits for SoftRAID and opt out of automatic renewal, you can do...

What is the difference between “license”, “serial number”, and “seat”?

OWC software uses licenses, or serial numbers, to manage the features and installations of our software products. The software “License”,...

Troubleshooting activation problems

Circumstances: You are having a problem with the Software Activation process. Cause: There are four likely causes: 1) You aren’t...

How to deactivate software

In some cases, you may wish to deactivate your SoftRAID or MacDrive installation — to unlicense the software to be...

Re-enter your software serial number

If you need to re-enter your OWC software serial number it is an easy process. Please follow the steps below....

How to activate software

SoftRAID and MacDrive can be used for in trial mode without activating. After that time, the software must be activated...

How do I find my serial number?

If you purchased your software here on the OWC software store, you can locate your serial number by logging in...

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