MacDrive user: Sumuri Forensic

Sumuri LLC opened for business to provide forensic training, services and products relating to the preservation, examination and reporting of digital evidence.

Sumuri was founded by Steve Whalen, CFCE who has a wide range of experience and expertise relating to digital evidence. Whalen was co-founder of Forward Discovery, Inc., founder of Phoenix Data Group LLC, a 15 year veteran of the Delaware State Police, developer of the popular Macintosh Forensic Survivor Courses, Cellebrite Forensic Training and Certification Course, a popular free forensic boot CD and toolset in addition to developing several other courses which are taught worldwide.

The name “Sumuri” is an old Tagalog word which can be interpreted as “to investigate” or “analyze”.

The heart of Sumuri consists of simple core values that should exist in any company but is hard to find in today’s business models. Core values such as honor, integrity, loyalty, positive attitude, dedication and most important above all – altruism. Altruism – the desire to help, serve and care for others first before yourself. Many companies may start out with values such as these but they are quickly forgotten as time goes on. Too many times we have seen companies grow larger and forget about the customer who they are serving.

Sumuri realizes that the customer is most important about what they do as a company. The customer is the reason that the company exists and Sumuri’s unparalleled commitment is to make sure the customer is provided with the best training, products and services that they can bestow. Sumuri does not want you to become just a number in a database or list. They want you to become part of their family.

Sumuri’s team consists of members who exude their core values and are among the top experts in the fields of digital evidence, computer forensics and information security. Sumuri instructors have taught worldwide for military, federal, state and local law enforcement agencies as well as civilian corporate investigators. Each is an accomplished and experienced instructor, examiner and practitioner, having conducted hundreds of examinations for both law enforcement and civil institutions alike.

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