Author Archives: Jeff Jorgensen

Can I use SoftRAID with Time Machine?

Yes! Time Machine works great with SoftRAID and you can easily use a SoftRAID volume as the target for your Time Machine backup. Time Machine volumes must be APFS formatted. When you create a volume you intend to use for Time Machine, be sure to select APFS as the file system. Any time you connect […]

Can I use SoftRAID on earlier versions of Mac OS X?

Below is a list of SoftRAID versions and compatible macOS versions. SoftRAID 7: macOS 10.12.6 or later SoftRAID 6: macOS 10.12.6 or later SoftRAID 5.8.4: macOS 10.10.5 – 10.15.7 SoftRAID 5.8.1: MacOS 10.8.5 – 10.9.5 SoftRAID 5.7.3: MacOS 10.7.5 SoftRAID 5.6.7: MacOS 10.6.8 SoftRAID 4.5.4: 10.5.8 – MacOS 10.6.8

Does SoftRAID support encrypted volumes?

Mac Yes SoftRAID supports encrypted APFS volumes, although indirectly. Any SoftRAID APFS volume can be “erased” in Disk Utility, as APFS encrypted. Note: HDD RAID 4 and RAID 5 volumes are very slow at present, we are working on this issue. Windows Encrypted NTFS volumes are fully supported.

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