How much will SoftRAID slow down my Mac?

The SoftRAID Monitor generally uses less than 0.2% of your Mac’s CPU power, even when you are using SoftRAID for...

SoftRAID boot-ability for Mac and Windows

For both macOS and Windows, SoftRAID volumes are not bootable nor can be created from the bootable OS volume.

Set up 2 outgoing email servers for email notification

While we all rely on the internet and the servers on it, they are not available 100% of the time....

Secondary Disk Troubleshooting

No Secondary Disk To protect your data (redundancy) a Mirror volume most have at least one secondary disk connected at...

Why do some of my disks get errors during certification?

If some of the disks you are certifying are getting errors, there are two possible explanations: You have an unreliable...

Does SoftRAID work with M1/M2/M3 Apple silicon computers?

SoftRAID supports all Apple silicon (M1/M2/M3) Macs, running macOS 11.3 or later.

How can I make the fastest possible volume on HDDs by using the beginning of the disks only?

If you are creating a stripe volume for editing uncompressed digital video footage, there are several things you can do...

SoftRAID shows disk errors, while DiskUtility shows none—why?

If SoftRAID is showing more disk errors than DiskUtility, it doesn’t mean that SoftRAID is broken DiskUtility may not always...

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