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  4. Choosing the best RAID level for you

Choosing the best RAID level for you

To determine what size RAID you need, how many disks and the size of each disk, please visit our handy RAID calculate at owc.com.


{0} TB storage

{0} TB protection


{0} TB storage

{0} TB protection

RAID 1+0
{0} TB storage

{0} TB protection

Requires at least 4 disks

{0} TB storage

{0} TB protection

{0} TB storage

{0} TB protection

{0} TB storage

{0} TB protection

Requires at least 4 disks

I DO: Video, Audio & Photography editing

I NEED: lightning fast access for scratch disk use
WE SUGGEST: SoftRAID RAID 1 or RAID 1+0 for maximum protection against disk failure

I DO: Run a server

I NEED: Speed, safety, and a flexible system
WE SUGGEST: SoftRAID RAID 5 to give flexibility along with fast data access and full protection from disk failure.

I DO: Run a business with critical data

I NEED: Complete protection against disk failure
WE SUGGEST: SoftRAID RAID 1 for maximum protection against disk failure

I DO: Design work, Photography, Animation etc.

I NEED: Fast access, safe storage and to meet deadlines
WE SUGGEST: SoftRAID RAID 5 (or RAID 4 with SSDs) for great speed, data safety and the ability to work through disk failure. We also suggest RAID 1+0 if you have 4 or more disks, and need to write many small files to your disk.

I DO: Use my computer for work and play, and for storing music, photos and other important files

I NEED: Fast access and protection against disk failure
WE SUGGEST: SoftRAID RAID 5 (or RAID 4 with SSDs) to give fast data access and keep files safe from disk failure. We also suggest RAID 1+0 if you have 4 or more disks, and need to write many small files to your disk.

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